Saturday, March 29, 2008

Suede Scotts vs Velvet Elvis!

This week has flown by. I can't believe last Sunday was Easter. It was just too early this year. But according to the calendar, Easter won't be this early for over 200 years from now! Personally, I'm glad I will be in the New Jerusalem celebrating the Resurrection!!

Steve is in the Boston area at the ENC trustee meeting. He'll be home tonight. The puppies and I are missing him! I just need to find someone to meet him at the airport. I'm sure I can find a good friend somewhere out there who'll help me out! We do have lots of great friends and we always enjoy getting together.

Tomorrow night we begin a new small group. I'm not sure who is coming but Steve and I have decided to study the book, Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell. I have read the book twice now and really am struggling with a lot of his thoughts. I am a 3rd generation Nazarene and Steve is 4th generation if that means anything to anyone. We are very traditional and conservative in a lot of ways probably due to our parents and grandparents influence. However, we consider ourselves "pretty cool" and not really dogmatic when it comes to theology and the Christian lifestyle. Of course, that is comparing us with our parents and grandparents. We've come a long way, baby!

We raised our boys in the CoTN and they are pretty solid when it comes to their relationship with the Lord and Church. We're all still growing and that's a good thing!

But we do hear their generation telling us that we need to grow with the culture and find new ways or methods of reaching the unsaved. That has always been a challenge and we are continually searching for better ways to live out our faith and be a witness to the world. But one thing I am concerned about is watering down the message and not being distinctive enough to tell the difference between those who are walking with the Lord and those who are not.

I realize it's not about external do's and don'ts, it's about where our hearts and treasure are placed. The external will reflect the internal. I'm excited how the Holy Spirit is leading in this endeavor and I pray He will be very clear and give us wisdom and discernment to follow His way, not just the latest theologian's philosophy.

So, what we are attempting to do is- have a "conversation" about these new ideas and wrestle with how they are aligned with the Word of God and what they mean for the Church. (sorry for adapting that new buzz word). For any of you who may be interested, I'll try to post some of our thoughts and summarize our discussion on future blogs. Feel free to comment.

Enough of that, last Easter Sunday, we had my brother David and wife Debbie and Randy and Jamie for dinner. Each holiday we celebrate reminds us of those family members missing. It seems our table is shrinking. We talked with Chris, Min, Luke and Will. They are getting ready for Chris' departure which should be within 2 weeks. Please pray for them as it will be very difficult for Chris to leave his family. Hopefully, things will work out for Min and the kids to come back here. We'll just have to see how God works the details out with the Army!

Here's a couple pictures for your enjoyment:

Who is that young looking couple!

Our puppies Riley and Kailee

Little Big Will

Luke and Will in their Easter outfits

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jesus is Our Risen Lord!

Easter is my favorite time. Although usually busy in our household, it is always a time to remember Christ's sacrifice and rejoice that He conquered the grave and is our risen Savior and Lord. In years past, we were involved in the annual Easter musical but this year our church concentrated on the Easter Journey and it was amazing. Walking through scenes of Jerusalem after Jesus had lived, died and rose again, was a very powerful event and since this is a unique ministry that our church has offered the last few years ,we really wanted more people to experience this special program. A lot of hard work and commitment was involved and many hearts were moved and awakened to the true meaning of Easter. Steve and I are very grateful to participate in this event. Last night was our final night. We stayed until midnight to clean up all the props. What fun!

Since we last blogged, there has been a little excitement in our family. Last week, my brother David's barn caught on fire and thankfully he was home or his house could have been destroyed. We praise God for limiting this potential disaster.

Last Friday, Steve and I went to Baltimore to see our niece, Chelsey in her high school musical, "Oklahoma." Brian, Steve and I enjoyed ourselves and Chelsey did a wonderful job. We were so proud. She was Ado Annie- we really enjoyed her solo-"I'm Just a Girl Who Cain't Say No! That's what every father wants to hear his daughter say! Just kidding, Chelsey, you were great!

Again, I hope all of you have a Blessed Easter and we pray you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Risen Savior!

Following are some Easter Journey 2008 scenes:

The Apostle John in the Upper Room (Steve) and Mary, (Judy) the mother of Jesus

Judy and her friend Lori, In a "Martha" moment

David and Debbie's barn with house in background still standing- PTL!

Brian and daughter, Chelsey / Ado Annie

Steve with his first beard ever! Now history!

The 2 most precious grandchildren ever!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Check out our new water closet!

The bathroom is finished! Yah! It's been a long process but its finally completed and it looks great! Thanks to Steve for all his hard work. He's really been working during any spare time(which is tough to find). The house we live in is quite old and any home improvement is not always simple but he perservered and did a great job.

Life at Shad Point has been busy. Steve spent 12 hours at the church on Saturday working on the Easter Journey scenery. I can't believe this Saturday the Easter Journey will begin and go through all of Holy week. Our last one is scheduled on Good Friday. We're hoping to reach a lot more unchurched people this year. This event is truly a meaningful experience and brings the Easter story alive to both adults and children. I am in awe of those who work so hard to bring it all together. Last year was my first year as an actor and I will be doing the same character this year, Mary the mother of Jesus at the empty tomb. I think Steve has been a different character every year for the last 3 years. This year he will be John in the Upper Room explaining the Passover meal.

This morning Steve and I "web cammed" with Luke, Will, and Min. Being able to see and talk to them every few days has been fun and helps a lot. I miss them so much and hate that they are so far away. We're not sure what the future holds, but we are praying the Lord will work out all the details.

Our precious angel, Luke

Our other precious angel, Will

Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mary Magdala

Our finished bathroom/water closet
It reminds me of "Flip that House!"

Well, everyone take care. Keep in touch!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is it Spring yet!

Today was a beautiful day on Delmarva! It came very close to reaching 70! I'm sure it is just a tease since winter has not finished yet but it was enough today to give us "Spring Fever." We are looking forward to warm weather and it will be here before we know it. I can't believe its March already.

A year ago today, Steve's mom passed away. Some days it seems like a year but usually it feels like she was just here. Grandma Scott was a special person and we miss her terribly but we know she and Grandpa are together in the presence of Jesus and we will see all of them someday.

Steve's brother, Pete and his wife came to visit this past weekend and we really enjoyed being together. It was really strange for Pete and Amy to come to Salisbury and not go visit Mom and Dad Scott -but their spirits live on in the children and grandchildren. It's really cool to recognize so much of their parents in their kids, especially the Scott sense of humor. That will never die!!

Today is also my brother Brian's birthday and I called to wish him a happy one. It is very difficult for him since the loss of his youngest daughter last August- each of these special life events now can be extra painful with the realization of such a loss. We all miss Karlee so much and long to see her again.

As we are nearing the celebration of Easter, the empty grave has brought new meaning when we have lost loved ones. Every Easter has been special to me with the promise of the resurrection and eternal life with those dear ones who have gone before us. One day we will have a family reunion like no other and we'll never have to say good bye again. Praise the Lord!

So, yes, we are hoping for an early Spring that will refresh our hearts and minds and remind us that there is new life ahead. The birth of William Stephen and Hannah May in the last two months has brought us a new sense of hope, joy and promise.

Whatever we face, we have a loving Saviour who brings us joy and peace and provides all that we need. I pray you are enjoying fellowship with Him today and are experiencing the fresh newness of life Jesus brings each day.

Steve, Randy and Jamie at the Old West restaurant
Judy, Amy, and Pete
Chris and Luke working on converting his crib to toddler bed
Steve, Judy, Mom and Dad Scott at Ryan and Katelynn's wedding (August, 2003)
Our dog, Kailee resting on Randy's foot
Chris, Will and Luke all dressed up and no place to go!